Monday, April 9, 2007

Western Herbal Medicine

What is Herbal Medicine?

Herbal Medicine is the use of plant remedies in the treatment of disease and is the oldest form of medicine known. Our ancestors, by trial and error, found the most effective local plants to heal their illnesses. Now, with the advancement of science enabling us to identify the chemical constituents within these plants, we can better understand their healing powers. Herbalism, while classified as complementary here in western countries, is still the most widely practiced form of medicine worldwide with over 80% of the world’s population relying on herbs for health.

How do Herbs Work?

People have always relied on plants for food to nourish and sustain the body. Herbal medicine can be seen in the same way. Plants with a particular affinity for certain organs or systems of the body are used to feed and restore health to those parts which have become weakened. As the body is strengthened so is it’s power and ability to fight off disease and when balance and harmony are restored, health will be regained.

What are the Differences between Pharmaceutical and Herbal Medicines?

Many of the pharmaceutical drugs used today are based on plant constituents and when scientists seek new cures for disease they first look to the plant world. They find, extract and then synthesize in the laboratory a single active constituent from the plant (the active constituent is the part of the plant that has a therapeutic value). This can then be manufactured on a large scale.
Herbal medicines, however, are extracts from a part of the whole plant (eg. leaves, roots, flowers, berries, etc.) and contain hundreds, perhaps thousands of plant constituents.
Herbalists believe that the active constituents are synergistically balanced within the plant and are made more or less powerful by the numerous other substances present. For example, synthetic diuretics (drugs that increase the flow of urine) seriously reduce the potassium level in the body, this has to be restored using potassium supplements. The Herbalist uses Dandelion leaves which are a potent diuretic but contain potassium to naturally replace that which is lost.

What can Herbal Medicine Treat?

Herbal Medicine can treat almost any condition that patients, from the very young to the very old, might take to their doctor. Common complaints seen by herbalists include:

* Skin problems such as psoriasis, acne and eczema.
* Digestive disorders such as peptic ulcers, colitis, IBS, heartburn and indigestion.
* Cardiovascular problems like angina, high blood pressure, varicose veins and varicose ulcers.
* Gynaecological disorders like premenstrual syndrome and menopausal problems.
* Joint conditions such as arthritis, gout and inflammation.
* Sleep disorders such as insomnia.
* Mood disorders including anxiety, panic attacks, stress and depression.
* Allergic conditions including seasonal allergies, asthma, wheezing and shortness of breath.
* Migraines and headaches.
* Colds and Flus and general immune boosting, including acute infections such as Urinary Tract Infections.

Custom Approach to Treatment

Because no two individuals are the same and the same disease can present differently in different people, it only makes sense that the herbal medicine given to each client is custom formulated solely for them. The Herbalist will determine the best herbs to use for the holistic approach of the illness and then determine the best method of administering the herbs, either through tinctures, teas, creams, etc. Each client that comes to see a Medical Herbalist will be given their very own customized herbal formulation to ensure that they get the best results. This is what sets us apart from buying herbal medicines off the shelf.

If you have any specific questions about using Herbs to restore health, please send them to

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